I started my career after college DEAD SET on a certain thing, SURE that my corporate job (which was really good – solid company, great pay) was going to take me to my ideal rainbow in the sky existence. SURPRISE, it didn’t. I have buckets of respect for and feel Capital-V passionate about people who make their own way and don’t let shitty jobs and situations get the best of them.
This is only the beginning of this sentiment and yes I am well aware there are layers – many – like an onion or an ogre – to the whole Pursue Your Passion Live Your Dream Screw The Man mentality. The solution is NOT always to quit your job and crochet baby animal necklaces for a living because you have a Thing for miniature mammals and some skill with knitting needles.
This is what I write about.
Over on Get Serious, I explore all the sides and ups and downs and options for living alternative lifestyles, working for yourself, being a side-hustler, and in general NOT doing what everyone else is doing simply because that is what everyone else is doing and you couldn’t be bothered to come up with your own solution. Plus I had a kid in 2019, so now I also talk about motherhood as relates to working, living, and yeah just surviving being a mom LOL it’s a whole thing, isn’t it?
Get Serious is a BS-free zone where anything goes, and sometimes I use it as therapy and bring you along for the ride, and sometimes I say “shit” but not much else worse because my Ma still reads this and guilts me for being a potty mouth BUT I DON’T LET IT IMPACT ME BECAUSE I’M DOING ME AND YOU SHOULD TOO (hi Ma, love you).